'Shine or Go Crazy' - Character Teaser


November 1, 2012

I totally love Tamra the Island

Written by Beanybeans

I totally love Tamra the island. It's a great and very addictive series. I watched the entire thing over at ViiKii but was hoping that Spi would continue to sub the rest of the series so that i can watch the 450p HAN version with subs. Spi had dropped it but then decided to continue due to the popular demand. However, Spi's blog has been deleted by now so i guess no more subs from Spi. Despite all of this, because i love this drama so much, i plan on buying the dvd set whenever it comes out. I had mentioned that hopefully it'll come out with English subs at another forum and someone mentioned to me that it has to be licensed by YA Entertainment first. I checked out some of the English subbed series at YesAsia and a lot of them list YA Entertainment as the publisher. Though i saw some listing MBC America as the publisher too it's not just YA Entertainment that provides subbed dvd sets (sorry, i'm completely new to K-dramas). Anyway, the person suggested going to YA Entertainment's site and requesting that they release Tamra: http://www.yaentertainment.com/. I guess you would do that at the "About/Contact" section where you can fill out a form. If that doesn't work out, i was thinking maybe MBC America will do it instead. I happened to see that Tamra is currently airing on MBC America when i was checking out my tv listings. I'm sure that one is all in Korean since that's one of the international Korean channels but anyway, who knows, maybe they'll pick it up since it is an MBC series. I just saw that MBC America has an online dvd shop with an area where you can fill out a form and contact them that way. Here's the website for the dvd shop if anyone is interested in contacting:http://www.mbcdvd.com/home.php
I still have yet to rewatch the entire series. I think i kind of held back because i was hoping that more softsubs will be released but that most likely won't be happening. So here's hoping for the dvd set with English subs. No matter what i still plan on buying it. Anyway, i first saw Im Joo Hwan in A Frozen Flower and his face totally caught my attention even though his role wasn't big so it was a total treat that i ran into him again in Tamra and he's playing the lead role. Though i have to admit it was Pierre Deporte who caught my attention when i saw him on the poster for the drama and that's what made me want to check out the series. I was really curious to see if he could speak Korean. I did not notice Im Joo Hwan at all on the poster probably because i only saw him once in A Frozen Flower and didn't recognize him right away. But right when his character first appeared, that's when i realized it. image I was totally thrilled to run into him again because i was always wondering what his name was. I totally love him as Park Kyu. Loved the chemistry between him and Seo Woo's character too. I never bought any Asian dramas before on dvd except for maybe this one Chinese series. Usually i just download and watch on my computer since the subs are usually better when it's fansubbed. But i hear the quality of the I'm also not really into K-dramas but this one just totally hooked me and took me by complete surprise. It's awesome there's this thread for Tamra at soompi full of dedicated fans and always sharing nice goodies. Thanks everyone! I still have plans to go through this entire thread since i kind of started up in the middle. It seems like that might take me a good while though. LOL.

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