'Shine or Go Crazy' - Character Teaser


October 13, 2013

Ugly Alert - Ep100 Recap

Harabeoji officially announces Do Hee’s promotion at the executive council meeting and she rejects it at first saying that her performance in her current position is still not up to par.
Airhead mom stands up objecting it saying that too many positions are given to family members nowadays and Do Hee said so herself that her performance is not outstanding yet…and her age….
She gets cut off by Harabeoji who tells her she’s ‘the pot calling the kettle black’(she’s in her position because of family ties as well, what right does she have to object Do Hee then?  (︶ω︶)) Muahahah, good one Harabeoji. 

Harabeoji goes on to tell the council that although Do Hee is young, she was being too modest about her evaluation on her own performance and that she has contributed greatly since she first started. He asks for them to think from different perspectives and vote what they think is right…
News spreads that Do Hee’s promotion was a success…but Do Hee herself is not too happy at all…
She knows why her father pushed for her promotion and he tells her the reason why he did so was to show her what position she holds AND also to make her work more so she can ‘relax’ and not think about other things (RELAX?!? by making her work MORE!? (」゚ペ)」)
She says she’ll work hard, but her work and relationship are separate.
" I won’t think less about that person just because I’m more busy." 
Her father ‘indirectly’ puts pressure on her by telling her to think about how many people there are in BY (=.=) and if she does, she’ll be more careful in thinking about what step to take in the future…
Mr. Rock-head ! (;≧皿≦)
Do Hee stands up and firmly tells him,
"The moment I told him that we’d continue walking together, I took everything into consideration."
Joon Soo holds out his hand to congratulate Do Hee on her promotion and she gets mad asking him if he really doesn’t know the real reason why her father did that. He tells her that he thinks that this is a sign of approval (and it’s a good thing).
He tells her to shake his hand (because he did so back when she congratulated him), but she keeps on telling him her father is only trying to make a big gap in between them (position-wise). 
Joon Soo just smiles, grabs her hand and makes her involuntary shake his hand.
"After you become ‘general manager’ your salary will increase. Then we can call each other 20 times a day…no, 24 times a day…then we could talk every hour. You can accept that, right?  (AWWWW ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ)
"We can only smile now, right?" she asks, and Joon Soo nods his head.
Then after I become general manager, I’ll have to go on a lot of business trips. Then, I’ll definitely arrange for them to be in England.” ( (ノ´ー`)ノ YAY!)
"You can’t do that. You’d be wasting company expenses and you’ll be held responsible for." Joon Soo tells her. (゜▽゜;) Hahahaha
Do Hee tells him he’s just like a sponge, who knows how to receive the next line so well every time. 
[*  I love their banter so much  へ(゜∇、°)へ * ]
He then gets serious again and tells her,
"You’re really great, and I really want to kiss you (!!!), but we’re at the company so I’ll hold it in (≖‿≖)
She tells him he doesn’t have to and he tells her before he gains the elders approval he’ll stop any intimate contact with her (at the company…so outside of the company is okay right?(¬‿¬) )
Do Hee cutely says she hasn’t been ‘officially’ promoted yet and that she’s still the ‘planning manager’ (her current position), so it’s okay to be intimate still right?
"I reject." JOON SOOO YAHHHH!!!!! 
He starts to leave and that’s when Do Hee stops him to lean in and sweetly kiss him on the lips ≧(´▽`)≦ *gyahhhhh!!!!*
She breaks apart and tells him "I was never a woman that waited." 
Airhead mother asks creepy lawyer if he still hasn’t given up on Do Hee since he voted ‘yes’ to her promotion. He tells her if he voted otherwise, it wouldn’t have changed the situation. 
Airhead mom says Do Hee’s fast promotion won’t be of any help to him either.
"The higher her position becomes, won’t she become more of a competitor to you?" 
"The balance is not at level yet. When you buy things, you have to wait for the balance to be steady, isn’t that right?"
IOW: he’s still watching the situation, and waiting for the right moment (WHICH we all know will never come  (¬、¬) )
 (´ ▽`).。o♡ Aigoo, Aigoo. How cute is this?!?!?!
Ahjussi serenading Jung Ja sshi through a video, and she smiles. 
Can’t wait for these two to get together xD! 
Is this not the sweetest moment or what? Jung Ja Shhi, the Gong Family and the Na cousins all here to enjoy some family bonding time together. Scenes like this just get to your heart (_´ω`)
Jung Ja Sshi has really changed for the better and she’s polite and praising Joon Soo and Do Hee( ●´∀`)ノ♡ She even worries for Nari when Joon Soo has to leave for England.
Nari tells her Keun Oppa that she’ll constantly send him text messages and phone him and he tells her not to because the phone bills would be expensive. She says you can phone for free anyway (SKYPE!!!!!) and he smiles saying he and Do Hee didn’t know that (ahahaha)
She gets really optimistic saying that the director of her movie said they’d be trying to break into the international market soon so she’s working extra hard in hopes of getting picked, hehe.
Jung Ja sshi looks at everyone and says seeing everyone in pairs would probably make the Gong parents in heaven really happy *tear*…
Harabeoji looking dashing in his purple print shirt  (⌒▽⌒)☆ hehe.
So Harabeoji tells Nasajang-nim to write a letter to the team manager over in England and to give it to Joon Soo to take with him (awww yay!) He instructs him to emphasize that Joon Soo is someone that the company is taking great effort to train and to ask for them to let Joon Soo come back after a year to make greater contributions for the company. ( HA! you hear that Nasajang-nim!?! Harabeoji wants him back in a year!!!!)
"Are you satisfied with Gong Joon Soo?" Nasajang-nim asks.
"What, are you not?” Harabeoji asks him back and he quickly says no….
I’m not only satisfied because of his work performance, but also because he is a good person. When he was under suspicion, he never tried to explain for himself and kept on working hard. He must have had it tough as a kid. I have experienced it myself so I know that someone who has withstood all sorts of storms will not easily fall down. 
In the future, Do Hee will have to withstand all sort of storms. She must have a strong and reliable friend by her side.”
YOU SEE! Mr. Rockhead (´∇ノ`*)ノ Why can’t you be like oh- so- great Harabeoji over here? HMMMMM????
The main point in this scene (for me) was how lovingly Joon Soo and Dp Hee held hands  ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
Joo Young suggests they go out to play while Hyun Suk tells her to be more thoughtful. He hugs her and tells the other two to run away. They do so and Do Hee tells him to hug her a bit longer (if he wants) hehehehe. 
Back at In Joo’s, Do Hee praises Joon Soo for not crying in front of Nari, and he says that Nari was also being strong. 
She then asks “How about we tell Haraeboji? Perhaps he can understand us.”
He tells her, “we’re crossing on stepping stones right now. Don’t try and skip over one. Although the elders won’t agree so easily, if we don’t go through sajang-nim first and directly tell your grandfather,you’ll never reconcile with sajang-nim.”
"You really think things through!" Do Hee tells him.
They drop the seriousness and he says it’s because he’s too smart, once he learns some kungfu he can easily take down others down (I didn’t quite get the analogy…or the translation, so just take it as him praising himself xD)
"Wow…our ashimdo’s face doesn’t even get red when he praises himself now!"
He cutely covers his face and says "Ah…I’ve become too sly now…"
Do Hee sits next to him and tries to pry away his hands to see how red his face is and the atmosphere suddenly changes and she goes in to kiss him………
….when In Joo and Ahjussi walk in.  (。-_-。 )人( 。-_-。)
Right on guys, real perfect timing *sarcastic* ∩(︶▽︶)∩
In Joo tells them they won’t get shocked since they’re used to it now. Do Hee stands up and says they’re ‘finished’ but Ahjussi goes,
*sheepish Joon Soo and Do Hee*|ω・)
They should really designate a private place for them to be intimate…I know it’ll be hard to contain themselves wherever they are though hahahahaha.  I find it funny how  In Joo and Ahjussi pray for the two to be more intimate, but it doesn’t help that they keep walking in on them WHEN they try doing just that. <( ̄︶ ̄)>
you take creepy to a whole new level….( ̄□ ̄;)

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